Das Brotsortiment bei den Mallnitzer Stockmühlen

Baking bread at the Stockmühlen in Mallnitz

Eine der Stockmühlen in Mallnitz
In summer 2023, every Friday from 10:00 a.m. at the Stockmühlen in Mallnitz, the master baker Kniesek Alexander personally bakes bread. Stock mill bread, spelt bread, spelt cookies and pizza sticks are baked, drinks and conviviality are provided. If you are interested, there will also be a demonstration of how flour is milled in one of the renovated mills (from 13:00 or by appointment). Hermann Unterrainer and his team have spent many hours creating this wonderful place with a lot of love and expertise.

On July 7, August 18 and September 22, 2023, there will be tasty smoked trout on top.

The stock mills (also known as horizontal wheel water mills) are a piece of Alpine culture and can be visited here in Mallnitz.

Am 18. August und 22. September 2023 gibt es die Räucherforellen vom Rindler Hans

An alpine herb garden was also created here by the Hohe Tauern National Park


on Monday at 09:00 a.m. the Alpine Pearls Yoga program takes place here.

A visit to the mills in Mallnitz is simply part of a vacation in Mallnitz.

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